Ghost (Executioners Book 1) Read online

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  “Good, make your call.”

  She didn’t leave the room. It wasn’t like the call would be private. She stroked her fingers over the screen and tapped the phone icon, then connected the call. She listened to it ring.

  “Ghost, what the fuck do you want?”

  “Your phone etiquette amazes me.”

  “What the fuck are you doing calling from Ghost’s phone?”

  “I took a walk…”

  “In the rain. Do you need me to come get you?”

  “No, Gideon said he’d drive me back to my car when the storm lets up.”

  “Did someone say something to you to make you walk?”

  “Joker, I don’t have bail money for you.”

  She smiled as she heard Gideon’s snort and looked up to find him watching her with a small grin. She took the tall glass he handed her and mouthed thank you.

  “I don’t always need bail money.”

  “Whatever you say, I just wanted to check in. Last time I didn’t, I don’t think the sale’s lady at the store has recovered. She looks for you every time I go in.”

  “I asked her nicely where the fuck you were.”

  “We’re not arguing.”

  “I’m not arguing. I’m stating a fact.”

  “Joker, leave her alone so I can make her dinner.”

  “Make sure he’s gentlemanly, I don’t want to have to kill a friend.”

  Harper rolled her eyes and said goodbye. She disconnected the call and handed Gideon his phone back.

  “Did you need to call anyone else?”

  “No, thank you. You’ll take me back to my car soon.”

  “Come sit on the porch while I cook.”

  She nodded and followed him, the screened porch kept out most of the rain except for mist brought in by the wind. She curled up on one side of a second swing.

  “Have you always been a farmer?”

  “Not at all. The most I had was a small garden and helped out at a community garden.”

  “Then why start a farm?”

  “I always found gardening to be relaxing. Why not buy my own and do it on a larger scale?”

  “There had to be a reason.”

  “I was with someone for a long time. They weren’t faithful, and I forgave them until they left. I owned a large event planning company. I enjoyed it at first, but after a while, people demanded more and more. After my breakup, I really didn’t have a reason to stay. I left the company in the capable hands of my partner and moved here.”

  “I’m sorry about your breakup.”

  “It would’ve happened sooner or later, I should’ve ended it after the first affair, but I was young and in love.”

  “I’ve never been in love.”

  “You’re a beautiful woman, you’ll find someone when the time is right.”

  “I don’t know. I’ve lived in this town my whole life. Secrets don’t stay secret.”

  “Haven’t you ever thought of leaving?”

  “I did…went away to college. It didn’t last, you know the old saying, the Devil you know is better than the Devil you don’t.”

  She sipped her tea as Gideon turned away and turned the steaks, the scent caused her stomach to growl.

  “Hungry, that’s good. I picked some vegetables before the storm hit. So, there’s salad, grilled vegetables and steak.”

  “I don’t eat that much in a week. I live on Ben’s coffee.”

  “He does make some damn good coffee.”

  “Yes, he does, I swear I only work to pay my caffeine habit. Do you need help? I feel lazy just sitting here.”

  “No, you sit and relax, I got dinner covered. Maybe next time you can cook.”

  “Next time?”

  “You’re welcome out here anytime. Maybe you can see the fields during the day, and I can show you the greenhouse. You like flowers?”

  “I love flowers.”

  “Then maybe you can come out one day, and I’ll show you around.”

  “I sit with Nettie, Crave’s mom, during the week before I go to work. I usually have the weekends off unless Clora needs me to work Saturday for her.”

  “Unless The Executioners are playing a gig, I’m usually free Saturday, and I’m always off on Sunday. The invitation is open anytime.”

  “Okay, that’s very nice of you.”

  “What are new friends for?”

  She spent the evening talking and relaxed, and enjoyed an easy meal with Gideon. When the storm finally let up, she didn’t want to leave. It was the first time in her life she felt safe. Comfortable in her own skin without worrying about the next hit. She wasn’t stupid or broken, at least she tried to pretend she wasn’t those things. And something else odd happened, she wanted her first kiss and was almost devastated when Gideon simply said goodnight. She’d love a new friend, and that would have to be enough.


  Harper’s Lips Were Too Much Temptation

  Ghost’s fingers combed through the hair on his chest, then on his stomach as he stared up at the ceiling. The sun was just cresting the horizon and illuminated his room. He hadn’t slept at all last night thinking of Harper’s full, pink lips and her shy smiles. When he’d dropped her off, all he’d wanted to do was kiss her. Her nervousness stopped him.

  He lifted his arm to cover his eyes with his forearm. She had smiled and laughed, except for that one moment when she froze on his porch. The light had disappeared, but once it came back, she was more beautiful than before. He wanted to hold and touched her. Instead of doing what he’d wanted, he tried to talk to her—learn about Harper. She’d avoided the personal questions preferring to talk about books, movies or him.

  Before he’d closed her door when he’d dropped her off, he opened his mouth to ask her on a date. What had he done instead? Told her goodnight and closed her door. He had watched her until the taillights of her shitty little compact car disappeared. The thing had barely started, and he’d wanted to follow her home just to make sure she got there.

  His alarm went off interrupting his thoughts, and he reached out slapping the off button. It was Sunday, but he loved his routine and was always up by six. Which normally meant if he and the band had gigs, he went without sleep, but it was his day off so he could be lazy. Although, a smile tugged at the corners of his mouth as he rolled from bed and went to take a shower.

  Two years of being cautious. Rethinking every decision he’d ever made, especially when it came to his decisions on his dismal love life. Maybe it was time to take a chance. Carol, Twitch, Gregory, Sin and Saint were driving him crazy to start dating. He was only interested in one person, and he wanted to spend time with her. But first, he needed information. Some advice from the person who seemed to know her best—Joker.

  “Fuck you,” Joker barked never looking up from the cluttered top of his desk.

  The man despised office work, but he refused to hire someone to do it. No one was in a particular hurry to jump at the job.

  “Come on, man, help me out, all I need is a phone number. I’m not asking for an address.” He plopped down in the chair in front of Joker’s desk. He rested his bearded cheek in his palm and braced his elbow on the arm.

  “You’re not getting your dick anywhere near Harper. Not fucking happening.”

  He was starting to get a bit insulted. He had always assumed he was a nice guy.

  “I wasn’t planning to—”

  “She said she was naked at your place.”

  “She was soaked from the rain. She took a shower to warm up. We were not naked in the same space.”

  He couldn’t believe he had to explain that to one of his best friends, or thought was his best friend.

  “So, you don’t find Harper beautiful?”

  Joker logic just made him dizzy. One minute he wasn’t supposed to fuck Harper and the next he was in trouble because he possibly didn’t find her attractive.

  “She’s gorgeous. Sweet. Quiet. Skittish. I just wanted to ask her out to the farm for lunch
. I don’t plan to get her in my bed anytime soon or at all. It would just be nice to spend time with her.”

  “You know about her, right?”

  “What about her? She didn’t talk much about herself last night.” That was one of the reasons he wanted to take her out. Maybe if he could just have the opportunity to talk to her on the phone, she could become more comfortable with him.

  “She has shit taste in men.”

  He didn’t remember much about the stories he’d heard about Harper. She acted as a caretaker for Nettie, Crave’s mom. She babysat the Crew’s kids. They loved spending time with their Aunt Harper. Again, the stories weren’t prevalent, everyone was entitled to their privacy. One thing he’d learned was there were rumors that a local bigot loved to take his anger out on her. He had a feeling it was more than that, but again no one shared.

  “It’s lunch, not a marriage proposal.”

  “You’re going to lose teeth.”

  Joker didn’t joke, it was why the man got the nickname he did.

  “Jackson.” He waited for the man to turn away from his paperwork. “I like her. What’s wrong with that? It’s lunch. New friends getting to know each other. What’s the harm in giving me her number?”

  “No one is—”


  He turned his head to find Harper standing in the doorway of Joker’s office. Rage and Gunner, Psycho’s twins, perched on her hips. They’re hands tangled in her long blonde hair. He stood and gave her a smile as he approached.

  “Hi, Harper, want me to take one of them,” he asked.

  “Yes, Rage is trying to snatch me bald.”

  “Can’t have that. Come on, Rage, let’s give Aunt Harper’s scalp a break.” He held out his hands and waited for the toddler to make up his mind. It was well-known among the Crews Rage didn’t like a lot of people. Luckily, he was one of the ones Rage tolerated.

  The chunky boy lunged forward. Bright green eyes stared up at him, and he smiled as he held Rage against his chest. Rage was a terrible nickname for a kid, but the boy had a temper and as vocal about who and what he didn’t like. They were going to have to start calling Rage by his real name before the boy went off to school. He didn’t know what was wrong with the name Thomas, it was perfectly fine and normal name.

  “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome. I’m glad to see you. I was trying to get Joker to give me your number.”

  “Why,” she asked, bouncing Gunner on her hip as the boy tried to get to his twin.

  Rage and Gunner couldn’t deal with being away from each other. Getting out of each other’s sight was an instant meltdown in the making.

  “I was hoping I could take you to lunch or dinner.”

  Her pretty eyes widened. “Why?”

  He tightened his arms around Rage to keep from reaching for Harper. Her shock at him wanting to spend time with her saddened him.

  “Because I like you.”

  “O…oh, like friends?”

  “I was kind of looking at it like asking you on a date, but friends would be great too. No pressure, Harper. Lunch or dinner, maybe a picnic at the farm. I’ll show you around the greenhouse.”

  He didn’t like when she looked away and down at her bare toes. The nails were painted a pale pink to match her long, loose dress that fell to her ankles. He curled his fingers into his palms to keep himself from stroking her cheek and lifting her gaze to his.

  “You want to take me on a…date?”

  She didn’t look at him as she asked the question. He knew he had to be patient with Harper. What he did know of her past wasn’t pretty. He sensed no one outside of the Crew treated her with kindness—touched her gently. Loved on her. He wouldn’t lie especially to himself, he wanted her. He just didn’t know if she could let down her guard enough to let him in.

  “Yes, but if you don’t want to, all you have to do is say no.”

  “I don’t…don’t know.”

  He forced his smile to stay in place. “Why don’t you just come out for a picnic? Just friends.”


  “You can bring the twins.”

  “I was just coming to ask Joker to take me to drop them off. My car wouldn’t start.”

  “We can get their car seats in the backseat of my truck.”

  “Harper, I’ll go over to your place and tow it in.” Joker was up from his desk before he finished talking.

  The man would make any excuse to avoid office work.

  “I can’t—”

  “I’ll tow it in.”

  Harper’s pale cheeks turned pink with embarrassment. He knew she was going to protest because she couldn’t afford to get her car fixed.

  “Did you want me to walk over with you to get their car seats? That way you don’t have to carry them both back.”

  “Thank you.”

  They said their goodbyes to Joker as they exited the shop and made their way down the block. Harper kept a good distance between them. He tried to pretend it didn’t hurt. He knew patience was key. He’d just met her, but he knew she was worth whatever he had to do to earn her trust. First step, spending some alone time with Harper, everything else would work itself out.


  Was This What a Date Was?

  Harper twisted her blonde hair into a loose bun as she stood in Ghost’s kitchen. She curled her toes into the thick area rug. The house still smelled of incense and cologne, with hints of body wash coming from Ghost. She tucked a few stray curls behind her ears and then laced her fingers together.

  Ghost wanted to date her, or at least that’s what he said. She still didn’t understand. Her brain kept coming up with every ulterior motive, but if he just wanted to fuck her, why was he being so nice. No one else had taken the time to do more than turn her away and bend her over. They didn’t look at her. Kiss her. They didn’t caress her like she mattered.

  She closed her eyes as she imagined what being loved would be like. She didn’t imagine sex. Kisses, hugs, and cuddling—she had always found herself jealous of the couples she saw who just—touched as if that was all they needed.


  She opened her eyes and saw Ghost watching her with concern.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Harper, you’re fine. Are you okay?”

  “Tired, the twins are active.”

  Ghost’s laughter was deep and attractive, she realized she loved the sound of it.

  “They definitely are. They’ve been out here a few times. Would you like to lay down for a nap? I can make dinner when you get up.”

  “I…I couldn’t do that, it would be—”

  “Not rude, if you’re tired, I don’t mind. Come on,” Ghost said and held out his hand.

  She nervously nibbled at her lip.

  “I promise you’re just going to take a nap.”

  “I’m being stupid.”

  Ghost’s calloused hands took hers. She dropped her gaze to see her slender hands engulfed in his. His skin was warm and rough, yet gentle.

  “You’re not stupid. I’ll get you all tucked in, and then I’ll go pick you some flowers. Have a favorite color?”

  “I’ve always liked purple.”

  She let him lead her toward the stairs to his room. He didn’t tug roughly. It was almost like last night when he’d walked beside her. She liked he didn’t stand behind her or push her forward. Her stomach jumped and twisted with nerves, but not fear. It was an odd thing to not be afraid; she was always scared.

  They stepped into Ghost’s bedroom. The huge bed was unmade which she found weird. A smile pulled at the corner of her mouth. She almost held onto his hand when he pulled away but didn’t want to embarrass herself.

  “Sorry, it’s a mess, I didn’t take the time to make the bed. I was trying to get to Joker before he disappeared.”

  She watched as he bent over the bed and straightened the sheets. His t-shirt stretched across his broad back. He fluffed the pillows and stood.

p; “He does have a tendency to hide out when he wants to avoid people.”

  “Lay down.”

  “I don’t sleep.”

  “Then you definitely need to lie down, even if you don’t sleep, you can relax.”

  “I don’t know how.”

  “This is all it takes,” Ghost said and laid down on the right side, then patted the spot beside him.

  “I thought—”

  “Nothing is going to happen.”

  “Do you know—”

  “You’re a beautiful woman, that’s all I need to know unless you want to share. I didn’t sleep last night.”

  She walked to the opposite side of the bed, and she hesitated for a few minutes before she took the spot beside him. A sigh slipped passed her lips at the feel of the firm, comfortable mattress. It was so different from the lumpy futon she’s slept on for the past few years since she was able to afford her own place. Most of her furniture was hand-me-downs or thrift store finds. The pillows were fluffy and not flattened down, she could get used to this bed.

  “I scraped together spare change until I could afford my first dress.”

  “What did it look like?”

  “It was peach and so soft, it was from a thrift store, but I was so happy.”

  “I’m sure you looked gorgeous. I don’t think I’ve ever seen you in pants.”

  “I love dresses.”

  Was there something wrong with her dresses? She always felt pretty in them. Being skinny, she didn’t have a lot of curves; the dresses made her feel feminine.

  “I wasn’t criticizing you for your dresses. My whole wardrobe consists of jeans and t-shirts, I don’t think I’ve worn a suit since I moved here.”

  “I bet you look handsome in a suit.” Her face heated yet she tried to ignore her embarrassment.

  She turned her head on the pillow and watched as Ghost rolled to his side. She couldn’t get over how handsome he was, but the part she was hung up on was how nice he was being to her. Not once did she have the urge to flinch or protect herself. Even with the Crews, who she had come to consider family, she couldn’t let her guard down. Always waiting to wear out her welcome.